Nifty Thrifty Closet Storage
I was desperately rummaging around my house the other day looking for ways to avoid buying more child-size hangers. And then I found my solution, and figured I'd share! I'm using this solution for baby clothes but it could really be used for any number of scarves, belts, accessories, jewelry, delicates, hats, fabric, crafting supplies, etc.
I had purchased some shower curtain tension rods awhile back for another project (they were cheaper and better looking than buying regular window curtain tension rod), which came with shower curtain rings included. Since I wasn't using the tension rods in the shower, I just saved the curtain rings, figuring I'd find a way to use them eventually. Well, fast forward a year later and these rings have found their destiny!
By combining the ring with a clothes pin, I expanded my baby clothes-hanging capacity without having to buy more hangers. Now keep in mind, this solution was especially cost effective for me because I already had the shower rings on hand. Like I mentioned above, they came with the shower curtain tension rods that I needed for another project. So, for me, they were in essence "freebies" if you want to look at it that way. But a pack of 12 shower curtain hooks will run you anywhere from $2-5 dollars depending on the style and where you buy them, and I bought my clothes pins at the dollar store for $1 for a pack of about 30 or so. Child hangers run about $5-7 for a pack on 10 on, but you're limited in what you can hang on them (shirts versus pants, etc).
Don't get me wrong, I am definitely using child-size hangers, but my shower-curtain-ring-clothes-pin combination gives me a little bit more versatile storage.
What creative solutions have you come up with lately? Please share!

This is genius...thank you for sharing!