Nursery: DIY Storage Bins - Upcycled Finish Dishwasher Detergent Tub
Welcome back to the nursery! I recently made some super cheap and super easy DIY storage bins. I used cardboard boxes I had lying around the house and some extra fabric I had leftover from my office chair makeover. With the help of my trusty glue gun, I got to work.
I started by cutting a piece of fabric to fit the entire circumference of my Finish tub. You'll want to make sure at least one of the long edges is straight, and that you have about 1-2 inches of excess fabric on all sides.
I folded over one of the short edges of my fabric and secured it down with hot glue. No sewing needed!
I glued the other short edge to the Finish tub (no need to fold this side, since it will get covered), making sure to line the long, straight edge with the top of the tub. You should have excess fabric at the bottom of the tub, and no excess fabric at the top of the tub. I used hot glue to secure the fabric as I carefully wrapped it all the way around the tub.
Then, I glued down the folded edge.
I flipped the tub upside down and began gluing the excess fabric to the underside of the tub.
And voila! A super easy DIY storage bin!

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