Caprese Fruit Salad: Peaches, Mozzarella and Balsamic Reduction

Pardon the pictures. These were taken on my iPhone, after my camera died and before my glorious Nikon emerged from its packaging. But this salad was just delightful, so I had to share. And it's so simple! It works great with strawberries, but today I'm making it with peaches.

Here's what you'll need:

  • Fruit, like peaches, strawberries, watermelon, etc
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Fresh basil leaves
  • Mozzarella (you can make your own, or just buy it)
Bring your balsamic to a boil over medium to medium-high heat (I used a little over 1/4 a cup). Boil until it reduces by about half and starts to thicken. 

Slice your fruit and tear your mozzarella into pieces. I opted not to make my own mozzarella this time around, but I wish I had. Nothing compares to homemade mozzarella. You can find out how I make mozzarella by clicking here. Chiffonade your basil. 

Now it's time to start layering your fruit salad! I put the peaches down first, then a healthy helping of mozzarella (we love cheese), a drizzle of the balsamic reduction, and a sprinkle of basil. Voila!

It was a delightful summer fruit salad! And it's a great way to enjoy a caprese salad for those of us who, try as we might, just can't stomach raw tomatoes. I know, I's my one flaw. ;) I really want to like raw tomatoes and hopefully someday I will!


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  1. That looks awesome! Thanks for posting it. I love mozzarella + basil, but am totally grossed out by raw tomatoes and it was hard to justify a meal of only bread & cheese. Now I can make it a "salad". ;-)


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